Monday, February 09, 2009

short feedback loops

Which brings me back to the small stuff: the everyday experience of a programmer. How to balance how much code to write before syntax checking, test harness runs, operational test. These decisions are modulated by the cost of doing each part. And this cost is implicit in amongst other things the tool set available. The traditional model is edit - compile - test - edit. Which can be quite a long loop - long enough to get a cup of coffee during the compile step (maybe). I have found that (for me) an exploratory model is much more productive - continuous course correction, continuously running and demo-able code, small increments. The biggest factor has been developing a programming environment that eliminated the compile step - suddenly the cognitive loop is closed at the edit stage and course-corrected motion towards the final product becomes more like swimming than run-wait-fear jerky progress. And the environment proved also to be accessible to non-programmers; our marketing VP said "I like VNOS because it makes me feel smart", and he wrote himself a weekly alarm applet that played an mp3 at happy hour on Fridays.

Summing up: the shorter the cognitive loop the better the learning, the surer the corrections; a lesson is learned only if the mistake is visible both as what is wrong with the result and why it went wrong and how to fix it and advance. Don't choke the student.

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