Sunday, February 08, 2009

the issue of equality

Then there is an issue of equality. To grant what is natural of the world, or about humans, one needs an evidential warrant; an example might be of good help. In Aristotelian physics, an external force is required in order for bodies to move in non-vertical rectilinear motion: that is, the natural state of bodies is that they stay in rest. Galileo provided the evidence that bodies move, without an external cause, on an inclined plane. In Newtonian physics, the natural state of bodies that they are in a state of uniform motion, unless external objects perturb them. In the same way, as modern Indians claim, that we have all become deviant from the normal, and natural, position that all humans are equal has no evidential warrant.

We have also known of humans—-that some are male, some others female; that some are rich, some others poor; that some are handsome (depends on the beholder, anyway), some others not; that some are farmers, others engineers, yet some others robbers; etc. It is unscientific to claim that we all should strive for equality, whatever the latter is. I am not saying that we shouldn't help one another; neither am I against those who help others. To what extent, considering that we don't have infinite resources, infinite supply, infinite supply? Assume that you have an IT company, in order to wipe tears—-however short--of fellow human beings; then you need to hire every guy so that we don't see the tears swelling up in their eyes. Even if you are benevolent, and your company has become a modern IT satram, you have no control over external constraints, which are not of human, so that you can keep all guys happy! Then the normative ideal that all humans ought to be equal is fatuous and unscientific as well: science (or any knowledge) doesn't condone such or any normative claims.

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